in the event of any danger. Their teeth, joined together like a parrot's beak, enable them to break
corals and the shells of crustaceans. Do not be tempted to feed them out of your hand, to avoid getting
bitten. They are easy to keep in captivity, but it is best to keep them singly as they cannot stand other
puffers, and invertebrates should obviously be ruled out.
Arothron nigropunctatus
The gray color of the dogface or hushpuppy
gets darker with age. It can get so
accustomed to an aquarist that it will even
allow him or her to scratch its back! There are
other puffers on the market, particularly the
meleagris puffer, A. meleagris. Size: 20 cm
Arothron citrinellus
The yellow puffer is easy to acclimatize. It
is active and needs space for swimming,
along with hiding places in which to
shelter. It appreciates a vegetable
complement to its animal food.
Size: 20-25 cm.
Arothron hispidus
The stars and stripes puffer is not only aggressive towards other
puffers but can also turn against smaller species if the aquarium is
too small. It is easy to acclimatize and can sometimes be tamed.
Size: 50 cm.