nevertheless highly active. Their skin is fragile and very sensitive
to parasites. In an aquarium it is best to keep only one specimen,
which can sometimes be "tamed" to eat out of your hand. Their small
mouth means that they can only eat tiny prey and algae. If they are
alarmed, boxfish secrete a toxic substance, with deadly effects for
other fish in the vicinity.
• Lactoria cornuta
The form of the long horn cowfish, with
"horns" on its head, is highly unusual. It is
a placid species, easy to feed with small
live or dead prey. Size: 10 to 15 cm.
• Ostracion meleagris
The magnificent spotted boxfish is
considered tough, although it only acts
aggressively towards its own species. It
must be supplied with animal foodstuffs
and a vegetable complement. The coloring
varies according to the fish's age and sex.
Size: 15 cm.
Ostracion cubicus
Easy to keep, the yellow
boxfish is aggressive towards
all other boxfish. It swims
slowly in and out of the decor,
hiding in a shelter when
disturbed. Size: 25 cm.