The Haemulids (grunts or pork fish) make sounds by
grinding their teeth, with the swim bladder acting as
a resonator. Rarely found in aquariums, they are
nevertheless robust.
The Nemipterids live near reefs and are vigorous freeswimmers.
They feed on small prey captured on their
journeys or in the sediment.
virginicus (Haemulidae)
The pork fish lives in schools
when it is young. The adults
gradually become loners as
they grow older, and their
coloring becomes brighter. In
captivity, they can be fed
small animal prey, dead or
alive. Size: 30 cm.
• Symphorichthys
spilurus (Nemipterid)
The large long fin or blue and
gold snapper requires a lot of
water to be able to move around
freely. It prefers to live in calm
areas and accepts a wide range
of food. This brightly colored fish
is rarely found in the aquarium
trade. Size: 30 cm